In a special boarding school that trains teenage girls into professional mermaids, 16-year-old Akame experiences a metamorphosis and discovers a secret about life, love and the end of the world.

The debut feature film of multi-awarded filmmaker Konstantina Kotzamani (Electric Swan, Limbo, Washingtonia).

Festivals / Awards
Torino Film Lab, Faliro House | Sundance Mediterranean Scriptwriters Workshop, Cinemart – Rotterdam IFF, EAVE – Ties That Bind, IFFAMACAO – Creative Excellence Award

• In production debut feature film, Greece-Germany-France-Romania-Spain-Japan



Konstantina Kotzamani

Konstantina Kotzamani

Maria Drandaki, Nina Frese, Birgit Kemner, Radu Stancu, Luisa Romeo, Konishi Keisuke, Hiroto Ogi

Kyveli Short

Produced by
Homemade Films

Co-produced by
Wunderlust, Manny Films, deFilm, Frida Films, Happinet Phantom Studios, Mam Film

With the support of 
Eurimages, Greek Film Centre & ERT (GR), CNC & Région Île-de-France (FR),  ICAA & ICEC (ES), CNC (RO), TFL Co-production Fund, BR/ARTE , NRW & FFA (DE), Creative Europe – MEDIA


In three ports, in Greece, China and Tanzania, small dreams of common people meet the big dreams of a global trade network and shape the face of a common future sealed by cutting edge  infrastructure, super-machines and rambling  algorithms.

Renowned documentary filmmaker’s Christos Karakepelis‘ (The House of Cain, Raw Material) upcoming feature documentary.

• In-production documentary feature film, Greece-France

Christos Karakepelis

Christos Karakepelis, Natasha Segou

Associate producer, researcher, consultant
Antigoni Papantoni

Associate producer
Kyveli Short

Maria Drandaki, Julie Paratian

Produced by
Homemade Films, Sister Productions

With the support of
Greek Film Centre, ERT S.A., ΕΚΟΜΕ, CNC – FAI Aide aux cinemas du monde, CNC – FAI Aide au développement renforcé, Région Nouvelle Aquitaine Fonds Film, Creative Europe – MEDIA

A pariah and his dog experience the pandemic as a triumph of the outcasts and deconstruct the threat of death politically, socially and existentially.

Upcoming feature documentary by renowned documentary filmmaker’s Christos Karakepelis‘ (The House of Cain, Raw Material)

• Documentary feature film in post-production

Christos Karakepelis

Natasha Segou

Director of photography
Giorgos Giannopoulos

Collaborators in photography and camera
Panagiotis Stergianos, Giorgos Salameh, Giannis Lascaris, Giorgos Moutafis

Mirto Karra

Maria Drandaki

Produced by
Homemade Films

With the support of
Greek Film Centre

Rebellious driver Anti and a restless zombie named Pina are driving through the city with a dark secret in the trunk. Their destination is HOPEPUNK, a queer zombie squat at the edge of town where they set a trap for a gang of nationalist taxi drivers that has spread its filthy tentacles across the dead-zone metropolitan highways, controlling the streets of Athens.

Youla Boudali, Reject aka Lex, Thanos Tokakis

A genre short film by visual artist and filmmaker Vasiliki Lazaridou.

• In-production short film

Vasiliki Lazaridou

Vasiliki Lazaridou

Director of photography
Areti Papaioannou

Kleitos Kyriakidis, Alki Papastathopoulos

Production design
Sofia Vaso

Yorgos Dousos

Marie-Gabrielle Peaucelle, Kyveli Short

Maria Drandaki, Phaedra Vokali

Les Films de Juillet

Homemade Films

With the support of
ERT S.A., Greek Film Centre


A pair of young Roma sisters sell toys at a tourist beach and interact with a colorful cast of sunbathers, unaware of impending danger.

Carmen Baltzar’s fiction short film after her documentary short Gypsy (in post-production). 

• In-production short film

Carmen Baltzar

Carmen Baltzar

Danai Anagnostou, Maria Drandaki

Kenno Filmi (FIN), Homemade Films (GR)

With the support of 
Greek Film Centre – Co-production Window