Eighteen interwoven love stories of gods, titans, nuns, madmen, Americans and suicidal girls set in the wildest corners of the Aegean Sea.

Syllas Tzoumerkas‘ new film after Homeland (Venice, 2010), A Blast (Locarno, 2014), The Miracle of the Sargasso Sea (Berlinale, 2019) and The City and the City (Berlinale, 2022). 

Festivals / Awards
Berlinale Co-production Market 2021, SEE Cinema Network Award

• In-development feature film, Greece-Italy-France

Syllas Tzoumerkas

Syllas Tzoumerkas, Vasia Attarian

Iliana Dimadi

Maria Drandaki

Nadia Trevisan, Julie Paratian

Associate producer
Kyveli Short

With the collaboration of
Kalymnos Theatre Group, the Municipality of Kalymnos and Nissyros, Dance Research Centre Isadora and Raymond Duncan – Athens

Homemade Films, Nefertiti Film, Sister Productions, Onassis Foundation

With the support of 
Greek Film Centre (GR), ERT S.A. (GR), MIC – Direzione Generale Cinema e Audiovisivo (IT), Onassis Foundation (GR), Région Nouvelle Aquitaine Fonds Film (FR), Creative Europe – MEDIA