In a special boarding school that trains teenage girls into professional mermaids, 16-year-old Akame experiences a metamorphosis and discovers a secret about life, love and the end of the world.

The debut feature film of multi-awarded filmmaker Konstantina Kotzamani (Electric Swan, Limbo, Washingtonia).

Festivals / Awards
Torino Film Lab, Faliro House | Sundance Mediterranean Scriptwriters Workshop, Cinemart – Rotterdam IFF, EAVE – Ties That Bind, IFFAMACAO – Creative Excellence Award

• In production debut feature film, Greece-Germany-France-Romania-Spain-Japan



Konstantina Kotzamani

Konstantina Kotzamani

Maria Drandaki, Nina Frese, Birgit Kemner, Radu Stancu, Luisa Romeo, Konishi Keisuke, Hiroto Ogi

Kyveli Short

Produced by
Homemade Films

Co-produced by
Wunderlust, Manny Films, deFilm, Frida Films, Happinet Phantom Studios, Mam Film

With the support of 
Eurimages, Greek Film Centre & ERT (GR), CNC & Région Île-de-France (FR),  ICAA & ICEC (ES), CNC (RO), TFL Co-production Fund, BR/ARTE , NRW & FFA (DE), Creative Europe – MEDIA